weimar.deCultureEvents CalendarStagesUniversity of Music FRANZ LISZT Weimar

University of Music FRANZ LISZT

Strong musical tradition

Based in the home-town of German Classicism and rich in tradition, the University of Music FRANZ LISZT Weimar is an institution of higher education for young musicians, academics, and ambassadors of music from across the entire globe. It is indebted to the legacy of Franz Liszt, who successfully combined in his person composer, virtuoso, ensemble musician, pedagogue, and pensive philosopher. The institution aims to compete with the world’s most renowned music academies.

The envisaged outcome of an education at Weimar is the ideal artistic, academic, and pedagogic personality — a figure expressed equally well in performance, musical research, and music mediation. Such a person has at its command a pool of general knowledge regarding the world’s and Europe’s cultural heritage, and holds deep insights into contemporary culture. They are confident music entrepreneurs, active in diverse areas; they have obtained the skills necessary to be successful in the international cultural sphere. 


concerts at the University of Music Franz Liszt

A Place for every ambition

Four fully renovated locations are spread aroud the city, but still reachable by food. Here you can study almost everything connected to the art of making music. No matter if it‘s an instrument, singing technique, acting in a musical theatre or even to conduct one, as well as the scientific approach of analysing music.

The focus of studying at the Franz Liszt university is a modern approach with a strong focus on interconnected practice and life in the student-community and Weimar itself.



app. 750

String instruments and Harp, Wind and Brass Instruments and Percussion, Conducting and Opera Coaching, Vocal Study and Theatre, Guitar, Piano and Accordeon, Early music, Contemporary Music and Jazz, Music Education and Church Music, Musicology 


Hochschule für Musik FRANZ LISZT Weimar
Platz der Demokratie 2 | 3
99423 Weimar
Fon: 03643 - 555 0
